A Downtown Redevelopment Plan uniting a common vision to guide growth, investment, and development in Downtown Albuquerque.

Updating the Downtown Redevelopment Plan will enable
our downtown to grow and prosper over the next twenty years.

Downtown Albuquerque is at the crossroads of New Mexico’s heritage and economy. As downtowns around the country reimagine themselves in the wake of the pandemic, it’s vital we establish a coherent vision for our own downtown’s development and economic future.

This Plan aims to create a blueprint to attract developers and employers, foster destinations that support small businesses and recreation, and ultimately build a functioning and vibrant downtown that will make Buqueños proud to live in Albuquerque.

The Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency (MRA) oversees 22 Redevelopment Areas, each with unique plans that help spur reinvestment by incentivizing development and updating infrastructure. To learn more about MRA, visit cabq.gov/mra.

Add to the Downtown Redevelopment Plan Word Cloud!

This word cloud gets updated at the end of every week - come back to see it evolve along with your peers’ submissions!

Join the Conversation!

Our downtown belongs to everyone. Whether you live, work, or visit downtown, we want to hear from you. There will be many opportunities to participate in shaping the future of downtown in the Spring and Summer of 2024.

Where Are We In The Process?

MRA and its consultant partners are currently engaging in preliminary research and outreach. For more information, check out our timeline for the Downtown Redevelopment Plan.

JAN 2024

Phase 1: Intro

Establish an Advisory Committee of representative stakeholders to assist in updating the Downtown Redevelopment Plan.

JAN-FEB 2024

Phase 2: Background Review & Analysis

Review current data, obstacles, and opportunities with the Advisory Committee and community.

FEB-MAR 2024

Phase 3: Establishing the Vision

Unite to create a vision for the present and future of downtown.

MAR-MAY 2024

Phase 4: Developing the Downtown Concepts

Convert our vision into tangible and innovative concepts for downtown.

MAY-AUG 2024

Phase 5: Developing an Implementation Strategy

Identify implementation strategies grounded in reality for our Downtown Redevelopment Plan.

AUG 2024

Phase 6: Documentation

Develop a Public Comment Draft for final community review. Once finalized, the Downtown Redevelopment Plan will go to City Council for adoption.

Stay Informed!

Sign up for the Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency email list to receive updates about the Downtown Redevelopment Plan and more!